Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cara's Quilt

things on the farm are still busy as usual

Seems like it is still winter

Spring seems forever away,

Yes these seriously are drifts we have around our yard
and they are still here

My son still can't see out his bedroom window

Spring is on it's way
spring is on it's way
spring is on it's way

I'll just keep telling myself that

We had a visitor here for a few weeks
my niece from the city wanted 
to come help out on the farm with the calves and what not

she also wanted auntie to help her make her own quilt

She brought all the fabric and batting and backing that she would need
She used a simple charm pack pattern
with batik fabrics

but her visit wasn't all fun and sewing
she had to do some work too

I finished a quilt myself,
made myself a design wall,
am currently catching up on a whole year of scrapbooking

Happy Saturday

1 comment:

Dawn said...

How nice to have your niece stay with you and you could show her how to quilt. I can't believe you have that much snow still. Our snow is gone, but it surely is not Spring yet. We have had a few days that the sun was out, but I am with you I think Spring is never coming this year.

Gramma quilt

I’ve slowed my quilt roll this year,  no longer to do feel the need to make a quilt, start to finish in 1 day,  I’m ok if it takes a li...