Wednesday, March 19, 2014

WIP Wednesday

I am happy to have a work in progress this week

even if it did cause me lots of stress last night...
to the point of walking away, having a nice soak in a bubble bath
looking at it again this morning, it doesn't seem so bad

I am working on getting my Centerpiece quilt finished up!!!

Happy WednesdayThanks for stopping by, 
and remember comments really make my day
oh, and you can follow me on Instagram!!!


Marly said...

Your spiral in the centre looks good. What could have been stressful about FMQ? I've been there too. What? - been there; I'm still there, finding it thoroughly frustrating at times. If you ever think your quilting is less than perfect don't tell anyone; no-one will notice.

Leanne Parsons said...

Your quilt looks beautiful! Don't stress about fmq wobbles. I figure we have to quilt with the skills we have today or we'll never get better. And I have very little patience for practice pieces...I want to be making quilts, after all!

Gramma quilt

I’ve slowed my quilt roll this year,  no longer to do feel the need to make a quilt, start to finish in 1 day,  I’m ok if it takes a li...